The Housing Hub works in a number of ways to support people with disability to reach their goals of living more independent lives. If you are a person with disability, family member or carer, our team can support you to:

  • Understand Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) and if you are likely to be eligible for this funding

  • Apply for a new home (where we are working with the landlord of the home)

  • Understand your housing needs and preferences

Learn about SDA

Our website has lots of great information to help you learn about SDA:

You can also call our NDIS Housing Advice Line – 1300 61 64 63 – on Monday to Friday, from 10am to 3pm (Sydney and Melbourne time), or email us at

Our team can work with you

We have a national team of Home and Living Specialists who are housing experts in home and living supports with a key focus on quality housing outcomes for NDIS participants. Our specialists work collaboratively with the person and their existing team in a targeted and time limited capacity.

You also might want to provide some information about your housing needs and preferences by creating a Housing Seeker Profile.

Our team is working with people with disability to create Housing Seeker Profiles and build a ‘big picture’ map of their housing needs and preferences. This big picture map will help to connect people with disability to SDA providers. SDA providers often want to build new homes but they don’t know where to build, who to build for or what sort of home to build e.g. robust homes or fully accessible homes. Your Housing Seeker Profile will help them to understand.

We can support you to create your Housing Seeker Profile, which will help inform the SDA market about what should be built. If you’d like to know more about them, please contact us.

Find out more

To discuss your eligibility for SDA funding, or learn about homes that have vacancies please contact our team on 1300 61 64 63 or at

Learn about housing for people with disability 

If you want to find out what your housing options are, book in for one of our free workshops.

You will learn about many types of housing and you can ask us your questions. 

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The Housing Hub works in a number of ways to support people with disability to reach their goals of living more independent lives. If you are a person with disability, family member or carer, our team can support you to:

  • Understand Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) and if you are likely to be eligible for this funding

  • Apply for a new home (where we are working with the landlord of the home)

  • Understand your housing needs and preferences

Learn about SDA

Our website has lots of great information to help you learn about SDA:

You can also call our NDIS Housing Advice Line – 1300 61 64 63 – on Monday to Friday, from 10am to 3pm (Sydney and Melbourne time), or email us at

Our team can work with you

We have a national team of Home and Living Specialists who are housing experts in home and living supports with a key focus on quality housing outcomes for NDIS participants. Our specialists work collaboratively with the person and their existing team in a targeted and time limited capacity.

You also might want to provide some information about your housing needs and preferences by creating a Housing Seeker Profile.

Our team is working with people with disability to create Housing Seeker Profiles and build a ‘big picture’ map of their housing needs and preferences. This big picture map will help to connect people with disability to SDA providers. SDA providers often want to build new homes but they don’t know where to build, who to build for or what sort of home to build e.g. robust homes or fully accessible homes. Your Housing Seeker Profile will help them to understand.

We can support you to create your Housing Seeker Profile, which will help inform the SDA market about what should be built. If you’d like to know more about them, please contact us.

Find out more

To discuss your eligibility for SDA funding, or learn about homes that have vacancies please contact our team on 1300 61 64 63 or at

Learn about housing for people with disability 

If you want to find out what your housing options are, book in for one of our free workshops.

You will learn about many types of housing and you can ask us your questions. 

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