Chapter 6 – Types of Specialist Disability Accommodation
Housing Options Online Learning Package – Types of SDA
This is chapter 6 of our free self-paced online learning package about housing options for people with disability.
Chapter 5 explained specialist disability accommodation (SDA). There are different building types and design categories of SDA. In this chapter you can learn how these types of SDA are different and suit the needs of different people.
You can get help from us
If you want help while you work though this workshop call us on 1300 61 64 63.
You can call from 10am to 3pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays) Sydney/Melbourne time.
Chapter 6 videos
If you want to find out what chapter 6 is about, watch this summary video (2 mins).
A text transcript for this video can be found here.
Full chapter video
This is the full chapter 6 video (5.5 mins).
A text transcript for this video can be found here.
Chapter 6 tasks
Do a workbook activity
There is one workbook activity you need to do for this chapter
- Activity 6 – Specialist housing features that support my independence
Watch a video tour
This is a video tour of a unit that includes many features of a high physical support SDA home. It shows you the sort of features that help people with high support needs live more independently (3 mins).
A text transcript for this video can be found here.