Support your clients to achieve their housing goals

As an OT, you play a critical role in facilitating great outcomes for people with disability. You might also see first-hand the impact that unsuitable housing can have on a person’s wellbeing – as well as on the delivery of effective supports to that person. 

Below is a collection of information and resources that may assist you in your work supporting people with disability to achieve better housing outcomes.

Searching for suitable housing

This Housing Hub website is a great place for your clients to start their housing search. The resources below can help your client understand their options.

Looking For Somewhere To Live

This guide explains how to access and make the most of NDIS funding to look for housing.

Specialist Disability Accommodation

This page contains a lot of information about SDA, including links to explanatory videos and fact sheets.

Mainstream Housing Options

This guide explains the different types of mainstream housing (any housing that is not SDA).

Common questions from OTs about SDA

Presenting evidence for good NDIS outcomes

Allied Health Housing Assessments

This guide assists support coordinators and allied health professionals to collaborate on housing plans for NDIS participants

Developing a Participants Housing Statement

If you have a client who lives in residential aged care (RAC) or is at risk of admission to RAC, they may wish to test their eligibility for SDA.

How To Write A Housing Plan

This guide is created to help support coordinators write housing plans for NDIS participants who want to test their eligibility for SDA funding.

Writing reports and completing forms

Getting the Language Right

A health practitioners’ guide to writing reports, letters, forms and assessments for the NDIS​

How to fill out the NDIS Access Request Form

If you are working in a residential aged care facility, or a health service, you might be supporting a person with disability to submit this NDIS access request.

10 Steps to Excellent NDIS Therapy Reports

VALID's guide to NDIS therapist reports for allied health professionals​

Housing Hub Services

NDIS Housing Advice Line

Call our free line on 1300 61 64 63 Monday - Friday 10am - 3pm (AEST) for information about NDIS housing options.

Home & Living Specialist Services

A national team of housing experts with a key focus on securing quality housing outcomes for NDIS participants. Our specialists work collaboratively with the person and their existing team.

Residential Aged Care Services Coordination

A free service that supports NDIS participants living in RAC to better understand their options and available supports

Attend a free event

To find out about the range of housing options that are available to the people you support, register to attend one of our free events.

These events are for people with disability, families and support workers.

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Support your clients to achieve their housing goals

As an OT, you play a critical role in facilitating great outcomes for people with disability. You might also see first-hand the impact that unsuitable housing can have on a person’s wellbeing – as well as on the delivery of effective supports to that person. 

Below is a collection of information and resources that may assist you in your work supporting people with disability to achieve better housing outcomes.

Searching for suitable housing

This Housing Hub website is a great place for your clients to start their housing search. The resources below can help your client understand their options.

Looking For Somewhere To Live

This guide explains how to access and make the most of NDIS funding to look for housing.

Specialist Disability Accommodation

This page contains a lot of information about SDA, including links to explanatory videos and fact sheets.

Mainstream Housing Options

This guide explains the different types of mainstream housing (any housing that is not SDA).

Common questions from OTs about SDA

Presenting evidence for good NDIS outcomes

Allied Health Housing Assessments

This guide assists support coordinators and allied health professionals to collaborate on housing plans for NDIS participants

Developing a Participants Housing Statement

If you have a client who lives in residential aged care (RAC) or is at risk of admission to RAC, they may wish to test their eligibility for SDA.

How To Write A Housing Plan

This guide is created to help support coordinators write housing plans for NDIS participants who want to test their eligibility for SDA funding.

Writing reports and completing forms

Getting the Language Right

A health practitioners’ guide to writing reports, letters, forms and assessments for the NDIS​

How to fill out the NDIS Access Request Form

If you are working in a residential aged care facility, or a health service, you might be supporting a person with disability to submit this NDIS access request.

10 Steps to Excellent NDIS Therapy Reports

VALID's guide to NDIS therapist reports for allied health professionals​

Housing Hub Services

NDIS Housing Advice Line

Call our free line on 1300 61 64 63 Monday - Friday 10am - 3pm (AEST) for information about NDIS housing options.

Home & Living Specialist Services

A national team of housing experts with a key focus on securing quality housing outcomes for NDIS participants. Our specialists work collaboratively with the person and their existing team.

Residential Aged Care Services Coordination

A free service that supports NDIS participants living in RAC to better understand their options and available supports

Attend a free event

To find out about the range of housing options that are available to the people you support, register to attend one of our free events.

These events are for people with disability, families and support workers.

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