SDA Provider Experience Survey

HomePublications & reports

The report includes the results of the Housing Hub's second annual SDA Provider Experience Survey. In total, 28 providers completed the survey. These providers have a total of 1,281 places for tenants in their 671 SDA dwellings. At the time of the survey, they had committed over $1.5 billion to build SDA, accounting for nearly half of the total value of the SDA market.

The report contains a detailed analysis of the survey results. It also includes a series of recommendations for the NDIA, to ensure its stewardship of the SDA market maximises positive outcomes for both participants and providers.

Open 2022 report

Previous editions

You can access the first SDA Provider Experience Survey below

Open 2021 report

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SDA Provider Experience Survey

HomePublications & reports

The report includes the results of the Housing Hub's second annual SDA Provider Experience Survey. In total, 28 providers completed the survey. These providers have a total of 1,281 places for tenants in their 671 SDA dwellings. At the time of the survey, they had committed over $1.5 billion to build SDA, accounting for nearly half of the total value of the SDA market.

The report contains a detailed analysis of the survey results. It also includes a series of recommendations for the NDIA, to ensure its stewardship of the SDA market maximises positive outcomes for both participants and providers.

Open 2022 report

Previous editions

You can access the first SDA Provider Experience Survey below

Open 2021 report

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