Feedback in Supported Accommodation Project
Introducing the Feedback in Supported Accommodation Resource Project
The Housing Hub and Summer Foundation have been funded to deliver a project with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.
Why has this project been created?
The Housing Hub and the Summer Foundation have seen that more needs to be done to support NDIS participants to choose and control the services they use. With housing and related supports, participants need to know their rights and know what to do when things aren't right. At the same time, some providers need to change their approaches and mindsets. The recent Own Motion Inquiry Report provides more information about these issues.
What are the objectives of this project?
This joint 2-year project focuses on co-designing resources for NDIS participants, providers and supporters of participants to better share feedback, make complaints and shape the services they receive.
What is co-design?
For this project, co-design means collaborating with different groups of people to make useful resources together.
How is the project being delivered?
NDIS participants, their supporters, and providers will all be involved in this project, actively participating in a series of workshops, and shaping the resources that are being created.
Find our new Solving Problems in NDIS Housing resources on the Housing Hub website
Our collection of written knowledge builders and video explainers can now be accessed on the Housing hub website.
Learn more about:
- How shared support should work
- Service Agreements
- Who to talk to about a problem
- Everyone's role in building a positive culture

Questions about NDIS Housing?
Call our NDIS Housing Advice line
For NDIS participants, their families, and supporters. Monday – Friday 10.00am – 3.00pm AEST. You can also email us anytime at