Already have a home and looking for housemates?

HomeIndividualised Living Options (ILO)

Create a Listing

If you already have a home and are looking for housemates, you can create a listing on Housing Hub. As per recent Housing Hub and NDIA policy updates, anyone listing any SDA or Non-SDA (including ILO or SIL) or any home that accepts NDIS funding needs to be registered as a Provider of housing or services with the NDIA. Anyone, including someone searching for a housemate for their current home, is welcome to create a Provider account as an Individual to create a listing that isn't NDIS funded. See an example below:

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Learn more about advertising on the Housing Hub here

We’re happy to talk with you about listing on Housing Hub. Call us on 1300 61 64 63 (Monday – Friday 10am to 3pm AEST).

You can also send us an email at


Already have a home and looking for housemates?

HomeIndividualised Living Options (ILO)

Create a Listing

If you already have a home and are looking for housemates, you can create a listing on Housing Hub. As per recent Housing Hub and NDIA policy updates, anyone listing any SDA or Non-SDA (including ILO or SIL) or any home that accepts NDIS funding needs to be registered as a Provider of housing or services with the NDIA. Anyone, including someone searching for a housemate for their current home, is welcome to create a Provider account as an Individual to create a listing that isn't NDIS funded. See an example below:

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Learn more about advertising on the Housing Hub here

We’re happy to talk with you about listing on Housing Hub. Call us on 1300 61 64 63 (Monday – Friday 10am to 3pm AEST).

You can also send us an email at
