Speaker 1
Independent Living Options
Many people with disability want to live independently, and they don't want to live in shared, supported accommodation or group homes. Individual living options, or ILO, describe different ways to do this. You could share your home with a supportive housemate. You can move into someone else's home. You may have some daily help from support workers as well. There are two types of ILO funding that may be included in your NDIS plan. Number one, exploration and design is where the NDIS can provide funding to plan what an ILO might look like for you. Number two, ILO support model is where the NDIS can fund those living arrangements and help you put your plan into action. ILO funding is for the support you need. It doesn't fund the cost of the property, such as rent. If you are interested in ILO, go to your notes section, at the end of your workbook, and write your thoughts there.
Back to Chapter 10 – Independent Living Options (ILOs)
Back to Housing Options Online Learning Package – Introduction